Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Israeli Spies in the US

Today, another arrest and one more piece of damning evidence against Israel.

A Pentagon analyst (Larry Franklin) was arrested and charged with delivering classified information to an Israeli intelligence cover, AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee). The information was related to potential attacks on US troops in Iraq.

From the CNN article:
Franklin has been at the center of a lengthy FBI and Justice Department investigation into possible spying involving Israel and several officials of AIPAC.

Israel's spying on the US is nothing new. Recall Jonathan Pollard and, more recently, Golen Cipel.

How about a Trojan Horse scenario...

What if the current US administration consisted of individuals who conducted business and made decisions in a manner consistent with the best interests of Israel? Perhaps, even hiding behind false flag operations to fulfill a religious ideology.

Try reading this ...
Some skeptics, noting the neo-cons' past academic and professional associations, writings and public utterances, have suggested that their underlying agenda is the alignment of U.S. foreign and security policies with those of Ariel Sharon and the Israeli right wing. The administration's new hard line on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict certainly suggests that, as perhaps does the destruction, with U.S. soldiers and funds, of the military capacity of Iraq, and the current belligerent neo-con campaign against the other two countries which constitute a remaining counterforce to Israeli military hegemony in the region--Iran and Syria.

Have the neo-conservatives--many of whom are senior officials in the Defense Department, National Security Council and Office of the Vice President--had dual agendas, while professing to work for the internal security of the United States against its terrorist enemies?

and this ...
The neocon advocacy of dramatically altering the Middle Eastern status quo stood in stark contrast to the traditional American position of maintaining stability in the area — though it did, of course, mesh perfectly with Israel's long-established goal of destabilizing its enemies.

...the vision of "regime change" in the Middle East through external, militant action originated in Israel, and its sole purpose was to advance the strategic interests of Israel. It had nothing to do with bringing "democracy" to Muslims. It had nothing to do with any terrorist threat to the United States.

The United States has tarnished its international reputation through its militarily aggressive actions in contravention of prevailing international norms. It has also had to pay significant costs in blood and money: rather, the American people have had to pay those costs. And the United States has made itself, and the American people, a major target of international terrorism. In short, the benefits derived by the United States from its Middle East military adventure are highly questionable; but that is easily understood if one recognizes that the policy the Bush II administration has pursued did not originate as one to benefit the interests of the United States but rather to benefit those of Israel, as those interests have been perceived by the Israeli Right.

Then, put it all together HERE.

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