Thursday, July 20, 2006


How can the US government condone Israel's behavior? How can the US media not present the gruesome images of the attacks on the civilian population of a soveriegn country by an aggressor?

The US government has lost its conscience, assuming it existed in the first place.

The US media has lost its bearing. Perhaps a new compass with an emphasis on the presentation of well-researched, unbiased, and objective reporting is required.

Nevertheless, what is happenning, and is allowed to continue, in Lebanon is unconscionable. The Washington Post reports on Congress' vote of confidence to Israel. The support reflects the obvious power of the Israeli/Jewish lobby.
Democratic and Republican congressional leaders are rushing to offer unalloyed support for Israel's offensive against Hezbollah fighters, reflecting a bipartisan desire to not only defend a key U.S. ally but also solidify long-term backing of Jewish voters and political donors in the United States, according to officials and strategists in both parties.

And, not to lose an opportunity to further Israel's agenda for the region, President Bush implicates Syria and Iran as part of the problem. Again, from the Washington Post:
Bush, in remarks at the White House after he briefed members of Congress about the recent Group of Eight summit of industrialized nations, said the "root cause" of the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah guerrillas in southern Lebanon "is terrorism and terrorist attacks on a democratic country."

"And part of those terrorist attacks are inspired by nation states, like Syria and Iran. And in order to be able to deal with this crisis, the world must deal with Hezbollah, with Syria and to continue to work to isolate Iran," Bush said.

Someone needs to educate Mr Bush on the history of the region. The "root cause" of the conflict is not terrorism, it is Israel's continued land-grab and displacement of the indigenous people. As said many times before, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. It all depends on one's objectivity.

Today, there is talk of a full-scale Israeli invasion, as if that's not already the case.

Slate's Jacob Weisberg writes "Don't Blame Bush". Really? You can't blame Bush for starting the conflict, but you can blame him for allowing it continue with such ferocity. His continued support of Israel, regardless of Israel's exagerated response to the initial Hezbollah capture of the soldiers, has resulted in many innocent deaths and destruction of the Lebanese infrastructure.

Robert Fisk writes...
I lived here through 15 years of civil war that took 150,000 lives, and two Israeli invasions and years of Israeli bombardments that cost the lives of a further 20,000 of its people. I have seen them armless, legless, headless, knifed, bombed and splashed across the walls of houses. Yet they are a fine, educated, moral people whose generosity amazes every foreigner, whose gentleness puts any Westerner to shame, and whose suffering we almost always ignore.

They look like us, the people of Beirut. They have light-coloured skin and speak beautiful English and French. They travel the world. Their women are gorgeous and their food exquisite. But what are we saying of their fate today as the Israelis - in some of their cruellest attacks on this city and the surrounding countryside - tear them from their homes, bomb them on river bridges, cut them off from food and water and electricity? We say that they started this latest war, and we compare their appalling casualties - 240 in all of Lebanon by last night - with Israel's 24 dead, as if the figures are the same.

And then, most disgraceful of all, we leave the Lebanese to their fate like a diseased people and spend our time evacuating our precious foreigners while tut-tutting about Israel's "disproportionate" response to the capture of its soldiers by Hizbollah.

For graphic images of the destruction of life and property in Lebanon at the hands of Israeli munitions, follow this link and this one.

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Anonymous said...

The US has to back Israel because if some country, like Iran or rebels from Lebanon had kidnapped two of its soldiers they would do exactly the same as what the Israelis have done; bomb the hell out of the country without regard for civilian casulties until they got their soldiers back.

Anonymous said...

I suppose Hezbollah is blameless? They do not launch rockets into civilian neighborhoods, or step onto busses with pounds of high-explosive strapped to thier waist, killing hundreds of non-combatants.

Please present all facts when presenting a piece of "news", otherwise, it is propaganda.

Wave Rider said...

anonymous 12:11:46

I agree the US has to back Israel although for other reasons.

The US has already attacked and devastated other countries for less... imaginary wepaons of mass destruction.

Wave Rider said...

anonymous 12:58:45

Hezbollah is not blameless. They knew capturing the soldiers would provoke a response from Israel.

My point is the response was extremely disproportionate to the act.

The links to the news articles are there. Washington Post, Slate, Yahoo News, etc.

If you are referring to my comment:
The "root cause" of the conflict is not terrorism, it is Israel's continued land-grab and displacement of the indigenous people. As said many times before, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. It all depends on one's objectivity.

There is already quite a bit of historical information to support my comment.

Anonymous said...

To blame the current situation on "land grabs by Israel" is ignorant at best. Israel returns Gaza back to the Palestinians and they respond by firing rockets into Israel? When will the world wake up and realize that Islamic facism is a very real and dangerous threat to world peace? It is time for the West to stand together and send a message to Islamic terrorist the world over or bow down and become dhimmis.

Anonymous said...

the answer is quite simple and it's Petroleum. US needed a reason to attack Iran and it's in its best interest that Israel does just that.

Anonymous said...

"When will the world wake up and realize that Islamic facism is a very real and dangerous threat to world peace?"

The only real threat to world peace is the expansionist policies of Israel and the foreign policy of the US.

Both sides are to blame for this escalation in violence, however it is Israels over-reaction to events that annoys me. Detaining and holding people without trail, occupying land and creating walled ghettos is remarkanly similar to another regime.

While i can explain the reaction of the US media i am more dissapointed at the vauge response of the UK madia as well as the lack of political condemnation from Europe in general.

Anonymous said...

Listen if some country is dumb enough to attack or provoke Israel, than they should know that Israel is going to 'F' them up. Ever since Israel became a nation of it's own, it has become one of the most formadible nations. Their armed forces are trained with extremely aggressive tactics. They INVENTED the uzi sub-machine gun. These people have been pushed around, enslaved, murdered by the millions for 3000 years. They are showing their ability to stick up for themselves. More then that, they want to protect their people, i.e. the kidnapped Israelies. If you bomb a bus, fire a rocket into a plaza or neighborhood, or even kidnap several soldiers, you are going to get smacked back.

Anonymous said...

give that a watch

Anonymous said...

Hey, isn't that obvious that lebanon is one of those so called 'Terrorist' Countries?

Anonymous said...

Israel is not targeting Lebonesse civilians, although sadly many are killed in this campaign. GET OVER IT. Hezbolla is targeting civilians. DEAL WITH IT. Both sides should be restrained by the international community as quickly as possible. OBVIOUSLY. But this constant "Oh my god, Israel is evil! Look at what they are doing!" cry is pure BS. Look at how many buss bombings, suicide runs, and kidnappings the various terrorists organizations in the Middle East have done against Israel in the past 4 decades. And guess what, Iran/Syria rule Lebennon, Lebennon is run by Hezbollah (southern half at least).. soooooo IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BEMOAN SOMEONE... Then start talking about Syria and Iran... They are using the Palestinians AND the Lebonesse as chess peices in their holy war on Israel. I'm not stating just my opinion. I am stating logical facts of current and historical events.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I'd just like to point out that "expansionist policies" is not the right phrase to use. In 1967 four surrounding nations (Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon) attacked Israel at the same time, and during that war lost those lands. You can say all you want about Israel not returning those lands (About 85% of those lands were returned) but you can't say it caused that war in an attempt to "expand" itself.

On the other hand look what giving back lands has done. Instead of shells and bombs from Gaza landing in that buffer zone Israel had, hammas is now daily shooting at Israeli towns like sderot and ashqelon, while in the north hizbollah entered Israel while shooting at the bases and northern cities to mask it's kidnap of soldiers.

In addition i'd like to address the comment about "occupying land and creating walled ghettos is remarkanly similar to another regime.".

The point of "occupying land" I addressed earlier, but I'd like to say about the "walled ghettos" - Israel is building a fence encircling it's territory - TRUE. However, unlike THAT fence, which's objective was to keep those people inside with no food and for future extermination, THIS fence was created to protect the people outside from it. People really like stats well according to multiple sources there was a drop of almost 90% in casualties wherever that fence was built! And just to make sure you understand the difference - Daily some thousands of palestinians enter and exit Israel to work in it - quite a different kind of "ghetto" now wouldn't you say?

I am not condoning the killing of civilians, I think it is atrocious. But unfortunately the only way to kill terrorists that as a tactic hide inside highly populated civilian centers with no uniforms to identify them (against international law by the way) without entering Lebanon in full force is by air. Israel is trying to minimize this killing by warning civilians in advance using leaflets and by TV.

As a final note, in case you still think Israel is trying to kill civilians on purpose - Israel has done more than 4000 air attacks and more than 23.000 tonnes of artillery attacks into lebanon, but somehow have kept down the really unwanted civilian death toll to around 300 - what do you make of these figures?

Anonymous said...

Well I have seen some ABC footage of shelling of a Lebanese Christian neighborhood.

It didn’t look very co-ordinated or organized to me.

There is no doubt the Israelis response has been out of proportion and has resulted in unnecessary civilian causalities.

Anonymous said...

It continues to make me laugh everytime somebody starts going off on how the Jewsish people have been hurt and killed for thousands of years and how they have finally come home to land that is rightfully theirs.. You want to go back a few thousand years, decide who lived where, and put them back? In that case, I say remove give the United States land back to the Native Americans, displace all the millions of Americans from their homes, and have them treated no better tham farmland animals, then we'll see if Americans agree that yes, the land was rightfully for the Native Americans and we shouldn't care.. The whole notion of this being "Israel's Land" is absoslutely ridiculous, and whoever believes that is a valid excuse for what happend in 1948 is a complete moron.

The people of palestine have been fighting an invasion of their land since 1948, and they will not cease to fight because they are fighting for their country.. All these American soldiers out fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, killing others and carpet bombing entire villages in Afghanistan, are so proud to be fighting for their country, and defending it from "terrorist" attacks, and they're half way across the globe.. And everyone seems to agree it's ok for them to do that... Now you don't think people living in Palestine fighting for their country on their OWN land won't have 100 times greater conviction to fight?? yet we say it's wrong for them to fight, because they have no reason to.. And as for all those out there that keep on reminding us how Israel "pulled out" of Gaza, yet was still attakced for doing a nice thing.. do a little research on what "pulling out" meant for Israel.. ALL roads in and out of Gaza were still under several checkpoints, not allowing Palestinaisn in our out.. The power stations, water pumps, food deliveries, EVERYTHING was still under Israeli control, and needless to say many of those things were offered on extremely limited basis.. Fine, Israeli armies and people left the Gaza area, but their complete and total control of the area was not reduced by any means.. The people of Gaza were not any better off.. so before you go around yelling at how people in Gaza deserved to be killed for still atacking Israel, find out why first..

As for the situation in Lebanon, let's all remember for a minute that Lebanon was involved in a destructive civil war for more than ten years, ending only recently, and has since then been trying to rebuild a war torn country from the ground up.. since the war started, Lebanon has had effectively no army of its own, but it didn't care.. it was concentrating more on helping the Lebanese people rebuild their country.. Hizbollah was the only group that kept its weapons, and hence became a sort of protector of Lebanon.. They are NOT, however, recgonized as the official army of lebanon, and the Lebanese government has no power to tell them to disarm.. There have been many clashes between Israel and Hizbollah in the past 10-15 years, yet we fail to realize that Hizbollah has chosen to fight against Israeli MILITARY personel, not civilians.. May I remind you ALL that Hamas is the group fighting inside Palestine and Israel, and NOT hizbollah... In retaliation to soldiers being killed, Israel has repeatedly invaded Lebanon, destroying whatever was built, and killing civilians.. sounds fair doesn't it.. and now, TWO soldiers get kidnapped, and PLEASE take your heads out of your asses and remember that only SOLDIERS were killed and kidnapped, and that NO rockets were fired into Israel, and because of that actions Israel and US have decided a complete destruction of the Lebanese country was a valid response.. Please people, living in the US and all the other countries where there are no military clashes, you tend to forget that all over the world militaries and factions are fighting with each other for their own causes, yet civilians and COUNTRIES are not destroyed.. You take land in the heart of the arab world, fill it with people who don't belong there, kill others who DO belong there, and you don't think there will be a resistance??? So they say release teh two soldiers.. then relase the THOUSANDS of palestinian and lebanese people, not even all military, but civilians, that are being kept in jails and tortured.. Two for thousands?? Interesting how two Israeli MILITARY soldiers are worth the lives of thousands of others..

I could go on and on about the reasons why Palestinians are fighting against Israel, and why the deaths of Israeli civilians has become accepted in Palestine.. but I won't.. It's sad when a car bomb or suicide bomer kills dozens of innocent people, and I will never condone that.. but I will also never conode the military actions of Israel's armies agains the civilian population of palestine.. MANY MANY more innocent Palestinians have been killed by Israeli armed forces than Israeli civilians have been killed by Palestinians.. The images of kids throwing stones at tanks.. doesn't that make you wonder??

Everyone is free to support whomever they believe is in the right, but please, take a little time to educate yourself on what is going on in the Middle East before opening your mouths.. and I don't mean waiting for CNN to show a documentary on Israel and Palestine.. I mean, really educating yourself from sources coming from BOTH sides of the issue.. Christopher Columbus was a great man according to most of our history books.. but do yourself a favor, and read about him from a Native American perspective.. Not so great anymore, is he..

Anonymous said...

Israel are the biggest Terrorists this world has. They have no right to bomb Lebanon as they should not be there in the first place, how can Mr Bush say they have a right to defend there country when its not even theres so whats happening is illegal. If any other country was to do such a thing the US would call them Terrorists. Its the US tax money that is arming Israel. So why dont YOU wake up and do some resarch in to what Israel have done since arriving

Don Calladito said...

Thanks for the info, Wave Rider.

I'm quite surprised that you got so many comments from people who still buy the propaganda about Israel just "defending" itself, or that civilian casualties are just "accidents", or that Hizbollah bears all the guilt cause they "kidnapped" two soldiers. All those views can only exist if one has not studied the Middle East conflict and its history objectively.

People, you really need to read Robert Fisk, for starters. He's The Independent correspondent for the Middle East (which he has been covering for around 20 years or more), and he lives in Beirut, so he knows what he's talking about. Read any of his articles from last week, and it will be perfectly clear that Israel targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure ON PURPOSE. You don't hit the Beirut civilian airport three or four times by accident. You don't hit a convoy of fleeing villagers by accident. You don't hit apartment buildings by accident.

They often brag about the precission of their bombs and missiles, don't they? Yeah, those missiles that they got from the U.S.

You know how that's called? Terrorism. For that is the name given to the targeting of innocent civilians. Yes, accept it, the Israeli Army is a terrorist Army, and has always been, for the historical oppression and murder of Palestinians.

And no, it's not the same thing that Hizbollah has been doing. The numbers speak for themselves. Last time I saw, around 30 Israeli civilians had been killed. That was a crime, indeed, but it is not the same as the 300 or so Lebanese civilians killed by Israel, which is a crime 10 times worse. And that is without considering the wounded and the destruction of the civilian infrastructure in Lebanon (roads, power plants, hospitals, factories, etc.). That is the price of two "kidnapped" soldiers? Please!

Anonymous said...

Yes Israel will and can get away with murder. They will get a pat on the back for doing so.

Anonymous said...

America is controlled by the Israelies and America knows it.

Bush will not be where he is if he spoke up against the jews.

Anonymous said...

Hamas found an opportunity in the soldier - maybe there was the knowledge that Israel would retaliate in such a way. Maybe not, maybe the assumption was Israel would see it as a bargaining opportunity. The flipside is that the kidnapping present an opportunity to Israel - to demonstrate true democracy in the new millenium, and negotiate for the soldier's life. It seems no-one is going to win at this point, as rather than choose a peacful means for negotiating an end to the standoff, neither side wanted to 'flex' and demonstrate nobility. Old wounds open, and now it gets bigger. Palestine relies on Israel for employment and support, as is typical of an occupied territory. Israel relies on Palestine for supplementation of it's workforce, as is typical of an occupying entity. The symbiotic relationship between these nations has been demolished by bloodshed and rubble over the last ten years - it was once hopeful - and looks to never be the same now. It's said that the better man will won't respond to threats or intimidation, but will not strike out in anger either. Democracy has a tenet of seperation of church and state. Let true democracy reign. Israel, demonstrate your maturity and 'flex'. Become your true self, and be seen as a mother to all who love peace, freedom, and democracy, rather than the reigning tyrant of the middle east.

Anonymous said...

Its pure evil what is going on in the middle east and only a dumb ass would listen to the news, as it can only show and say what it is told to they cant tell the truth and as most the news and papers are looked after by Jews there will be nothing bad on them. Its all an excuse to get Iran involed so Israel and the US can take there oil to.

Anonymous said...

I Agree, the News (Cnn,Fox,Etc..)is Typically 95% Bullshit, Sometimes I Wonder What the Total Might Be If I Count How Many Times the Newscasters Say the Word "Terrorist". Its like The y Feed It to You So Many Times Within Each Hour That the Typical Moron Would Beleive any Action is Justified for the Problem of "Terrorists".

Anonymous said...

i pity you. all of you form what you think to be a valid opinion of the mideast conflict based on the most scrupleas sources. like robert fisk. how can robert fisk be a correspondent when he injects his "corrosponace" with opinion. thats not jurnulisim thats opinion. and opinion is always biased. only a moron can look at a map of israel from 2 years ago, and then look at a map today, and identify the loss of land due to withdrawels, as expansionist policys. unless you dont know what the phrase means.
And israel controls america? is that why bush dictated israel timeline in lebanon? and if this is genocide, either belive that israel has the shit military strength in the mideast, thus taking almost a week to kill only 300 lebenese, or that ther are restraining themeself then, look at some lebenese websites that thank israel for eliminating an orginazation their own goverment is to corroupted to touch. after all of this, calculate in your head, what a daily barrage of rockets for a year, launched from land that had been eturned to the palestinians , plus a military agression from another border that was returned to lebanon 6 years ago, and tell me what a porportunate response would be???? by the way, hizbolah kidnaped 2 soliders and killed another 8, add the to your eqation

Anonymous said...

Let's make some order.

"ive been in and out of Lebanon all my LIFE so i am more qualified to speak on this MASSACRE more then any of you pro-bush retards" - uhuh, sounds like an open and rational statement. Being so tied to Lebanon kind of makes you more biased and thus less qualified to speak about it in my book.

"since when is 10 soldiers more ipmortant then 10,000 soldiers" - I don't think anyone said that. It's still 8 dead soldiers + 2 who's status is unknown versus those "10.000" who are living and being fed in prison. I think this comparison is stupid but at least write it correctly.

"on top of that this summer of 06' was supposed to bring in one of the highest amount of tourist since the first occupation," - if as you say they knew what they were doing, you should then blame them for this tourism problem no?

"they are not a terrorsit groupo, they are protectors of their country simply doing what there military is not capable of" - If you classify Israel as being a terrorist group because they killed civilians leaving hizbollah out of that group is kind of.. umm.. not logical, no?

"all of the isralies suck" - Again that open mindedness and readyness to find a solution and make this stop.

"have any of you seen the pictuerre of the isralei children signing the bombs before the send them" - Off course we did. And we also saw the ones of the israeli soldiers evacuating that injured lebanese woman from southern lebanon to an israeli hospital..

"te slowly bought land till all that was left for the palistinaians was jerusalem then they just took that" - Since you have read so much about this subject you obviously remember the 3 or 4 proposals that were offered by the British to the arabs in palestine before the Israelis received control no? In one of them the "jews" would have gotten control of 15% of Israel while the arab population would have had a state with more than 80% of the lands.. They refused because they didn't get a 100%... Who's greedy now?

My point is this - It isn't worthwhile pointing fingers from side to side, there will be bad things on all side and it's time we all opposed the extremists on both sides. They are the problem.

Have a nice day and peace everybody!

Anonymous said...

2.5 Billion dollars annualy spent by America to aide Israel's army.

Israel gets all the modern weapons that we use in wars today.

Enough said. Israel should never have existed. Why don't you dumb shits look at the history of HOW Israel was created. What about the suicide bombing of the hotel that killed 92 people before Israel was formed?

Anyone that thinks Israel is helping the US is a complete ignorant asshole to put it mildly.

Israel has done nothing but cause us pain and suffering ever since it's creation.

We should sever all ties with Israel military wise. Stop over spending to give them modern weaponry.

Let's see how long those fucking jews last!

Jews - The Nazi's of the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

Do any of you wonder why the Jews suffered from the days of Moses till Hitler its becaues there evil not all just the ones that think what israel is doing is right, I can't belive how dumb some of you Americans really are.
Please just go to google and search and open your eyes to whats really going on.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, all of you dickheads gotta stop backing up israel. They claim they are willing to do everything necessary to protect their country against the Hezbollah threat. but they actually are the agressors, HELLO!
I am not saying Hezbollah is ok but at least when they killed 2 child they announced on tv they were sorry and they were aiming for bunkers. I say Israel must be warned that if they continue to kill innocent civilians there will be some serious consequences. And if they still do it I think it is the UN's responsability to make sure to take down Israel's forces in order to protect a population. We should stop them instead of watching them as if it was a Fucking tv show.... MORONS!

and to the guy below me, what the fuck is wrong with your mind. U think 2 soliders are worth destroying an entire country? eat a fucking dick

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Israel are so far up the USA's arse it's not funny. All the politicians are JEWS and support their "homeland". Anything for a dollar. I'm sick and tired of all the arsekissing to Israel. Fuck it'd be great if China & Korea wanted to test their nuclear arsenal on Israel.

Anonymous said...

im so glad everyone has an opinion on the whole Isreali thing. Im so happy that people can bitch and form opinions and strive to change other peoples minds about all this. Have any of u stopped to concider that ur all full of shit? (im putting myself in this catagory as well) what is an opinion gonna do u fukin wankers?

u like those shisty jews, then send 'em some money or go join their military. u like ragheads, then do the same.

Regardless of how/why the situation has arrisen, it exists now, so do somethin or shutdafukup.

sorry bout the spellin btw

Anonymous said...

"The "root cause" of the conflict is not terrorism, it is Israel's continued land-grab and displacement of the indigenous people. As said many times before, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. It all depends on one's objectivity."

Hizbollah is terrorists no matter how you look at them. Have you heard of the AMIA bombings, where they levelled several buildings including the Jewish headquarters in Argentina, killing 100 or so people and injuring hundreds more? How about the planes they hijacked? How about the 250 peacekeepers they killed by bombing a barracks? What about the fact that they fund organizations (Islamic Jihad) that have forced mothers into honor killings and frequently brainwash kids (the youngest being a 14 year old girl) into suicide bombing?

These people are terrorists no matter how you want to look at it. Israel is, worst case, on shaky legal ground by bombing civilian areas. Hizbollah uses mosques, private residences, schools, and anywhere they can as missile launchpads to fire indiscriminately into Israel towns. The only viable option for Israel right now is airstrikes on these areas to destroy their missile caches and barracks'.

Israel, on the other hand, does not hide behind their civilians and use them as human shields to deter enemy fire, so Hizbollah is not justified in their indiscriminate bombing of civilian centers.

What Israel is doing is within their rights, according to the Geneve Conventions. See, for instance, GC-IV, Article 19 which talks about civilian hospitals. The enemy (i.e. Israel) is obliged to leave it alone, unless it is found that the hospital is being used for military purposes (weapons cache, for instance). In those cases, the Enemy is no longer obliged to treat it as a protected building.

And further, GC-IV, Article 28 Specifically says that "The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations." And in fact, article 32 says it is the responsibility of the power occupying the area to protect the protected persons, and not to put them into situations where they will be harmed.

Anonymous said...

"I am not saying Hezbollah is ok but at least when they killed 2 child they announced on tv they were sorry and they were aiming for bunkers."

To put it mildly, this is a gigantic pile of steaming shit. It was purely a PR stunt, they have also been caught saying they are proud of what they did:

Not to mention, Human Rights Watch has already stated that what they are doing is (best case) indiscriminately targetting civilian centers.

If you want to bitch out people for defending Israel, a country that has been under constant attack since it's creation, perhaps you should get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Isrial’s military might is courtesy of the US of A… so any thing they are.. is because of the USA…. Seeing as how all the mid east countries are Islamic, the USA(mostly controlled by Jews) need to have a strong hold in the region. And u no now days, more important than life it self is oil. So y not invade iraq and iran and wat ever other Muslim country sitting on precious oil. Israel by all right should not exist partly because that is Palestinian land.. and for some reason nobody asked the Palestinians if it was ok for Israel to use the land.. And Israel feels it should be welcome in the area??? I personally think Iran should test its nuclear arsenal on Israel .. u no just to make sure they missiles are accurate… and well calibrated….

For some reason Israel thinks its citizens life is more valuable than other human being living in other countries… but u no wat…. OPEN UR FUCKIN EYES… they r not…

But as always… I feel it is necessary to note that the population, no matter which country is much more tolerable than the governments… the people that gain the most out of conflicts are politicians and power mongering sons’ of bitches…. As in bush and who ever the fuck is the leader of Israel and their collective corporate buddies… it is the governments and the news media they control that paint a picture that puts the population in fear and hatred.. So I say line up all the politicians and shoot em…

Anonymous said...

Isrial’s military might is courtesy of the US of A… so any thing they are.. is because of the USA…. Seeing as how all the mid east countries are Islamic, the USA(mostly controlled by Jews) need to have a strong hold in the region. And u no now days, more important than life it self is oil. So y not invade iraq and iran and wat ever other Muslim country sitting on precious oil. Israel by all right should not exist partly because that is Palestinian land.. and for some reason nobody asked the Palestinians if it was ok for Israel to use the land.. And Israel feels it should be welcome in the area??? I personally think Iran should test its nuclear arsenal on Israel .. u no just to make sure they missiles are accurate… and well calibrated….

For some reason Israel thinks its citizens life is more valuable than other human being living in other countries… but u no wat…. OPEN UR FUCKIN EYES… they r not…

But as always… I feel it is necessary to note that the population, no matter which country is much more tolerable than the governments… the people that gain the most out of conflicts are politicians and power mongering sons’ of bitches…. As in bush and who ever the fuck is the leader of Israel and their collective corporate buddies… it is the governments and the news media they control that paint a picture that puts the population in fear and hatred.. So I say line up all the politicians and shoot em…

Anonymous said...

if you people really cared about your kids you wouldn't let cowards hide behind them and use your old women as shields. get balls kill the terrorist.