First, the Bush administration took over the Congress...
Second, the Bush administration took over the media...
Third, the Bush administration took over the intelligence agencies..
Now, the Bush administration is preparing to take over the judiciary...
There is an MO (Modus Operandi) to the Bush administration's actions which usually follows three steps:
Step 1: Set up the "story" to be used to justify the reason to go after the "enemy". In reality, this sets up the implementation of the plan to further an objective of the "agenda".
Step 2: At some point information leaks out either impacting the credibility of the "story" or point out how poorly the "story" was handled. Bring out the patsy. Because, of course, everyone knows the administration would never knowingly pursue an action based on false information, the blame would then be placed upon the patsy and the inability to do the job.
Stpe 3: Come up with a solution for the patsy's inability to perform the job. Now, part of the solution should involve redirecting control of the job function to some one or group directly or indirectly controlled by those same individuals coming up with the "agenda".
From Progreso Weekly, "The Bush Syndrome: Dead Wrong and Proud of It" by Max J. Castro:
What links the intelligence fiasco and the Schiavo case is the willingness of this administration and its Republican allies in Congress to argue for and undertake the most extreme and arrogant actions in the absence of credible information and arguments to support them – and in the process demonizing anyone who opposes their schemes. Waging an illegal war and trampling all over the bedrock constitutional principle of separation of powers are variations of a single syndrome, the Bush syndrome.
Whether the subject is global warming, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, stem cell research, social security, or the Schiavo case, the Bush syndrome involves ignoring, twisting, and denying facts and reason in the interest of an extreme right ideology.
The Schiavo case, for its part, raised the profile of an old target for the Republican right: the federal judiciary. A whole litany of GOP stalwarts, including Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum and House Majority Leader Tom Delay, have skewered the judges involved in the Schiavo case. Some Republicans even have threatened to punish the judicial branch through funding cuts and other means.
This time, Bush and his Republican allies were denied. But the Bush administration’s preference for believing in and acting upon its own ideologically driven delusions over reality has already produced disastrous consequences in the form of war and massive Iraqi and American casualties. More tragedy is sure to follow if Bush is allowed to implement his domestic and international agenda during the second term.
Let's sit back and watch how the judicial system becomes the patsy for all the "problems" with the system and how a solution to the problem is presented which ultimately provides more control from within the White House.
The separation of Church and State no longer exists.
The separation of the Executive and Judicial branches hangs precariously in the balance.
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