America... the land of the free, the home of the brave, where all is possible and achievable if you work hard. The image to the rest of the world exuded the commitment to fairness and equality, the fostering of the entrepreneural spirit, and reserved strength. The quiet, protective kid, possessive of an aura of respect, whom the bully on the block would not even mess with.
That was then. This is now.
What a shock it must be to learn that the America which used to be the envy of the rest of the world, the culture and success to which others would aspire to duplicate, is no longer the America in which we live.
We live in an America despised by a large part of the world for the military actions undertaken by the Bush administrations. An America viewed by the rest of the world as a staunch supporter, financial and political, of Israel and Israeli policy. This unwavering support of Israeli policy, regardless of the facts, may very well be the lit fuse to the powder keg which, when it explodes, will affect millions of people.
The proof of how the world views the US is in the result of a poll where China, even with well documented violations of human rights, is viewed more favorably than the US.
How can this be? Perhaps, the rest of the world, not so easily influenced and manipulated by American media (Fox, MSNBC, CNN, Washington Post, etc.) is forming a much more accurate opinion of today's America.
The poll was conducted by an American organization, the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, and surveyed public opinion in 16 countries, including the United States.
The United States' image is so tattered overseas two years after the Iraq invasion that communist China is viewed more favorably than the U.S. in many long-time Western European allies, an international poll has found.
The overseas image of the United States slipped sharply after the Iraq invasion in 2003, the Pew polling found, and it has not rebounded in Western European countries like Britain, France, Germany and Spain.CNN
Most people around the world can form an objective opinion of what has happenned to the America which was once highly-regarded. It all boils down to American policy.
The Iraq war remains the leading source of anti-American attitudes despite diplomatic efforts to counter that image.
Kyodo News
The poll, which was released Thursday, found suspicion and wariness of the United States in many countries where people question the war in Iraq and are growing wary of the U.S.-led war on terror.ABC News
Andrew Kohut, director of the Pew Global Attitudes Project, said that 16,766 people in 16 nations were interviewed for the project's fourth international survey since 2002. He said America's image has slipped primarily because of the war in Iraq and has shown little sign of improving since it began, either in Europe or in Muslim nations.Toledo Blade
People in other countries who had unfavorable views of the United States were most likely to cite Bush as the reason rather than a general problem with America.
Madeleine Albright, the secretary of state when Bill Clinton was president, said big majorities of the public in these countries are discontented with Bush "and say Bush’s re-election has made them view the United States less favorably."MSNBC
People in most countries were more inclined to say the war in Iraq has made the world a more dangerous place. Non-U.S. residents who had unfavorable views of the United States were most likely to cite Bush as the reason rather than a general problem with America.CNN
Most can tell the difference between Americans and American policy. One crucial detail though which must be pointed out. If Americans allow the continuation of the policies which have collapsed the house of respect and admiration for America, the blame should lay solely on our shoulders. To not stand up and speak out in opposition to these belligerent policies is to accept the subsequent consequences.
Don't act surprised when the house that is America collapses. Many have tried to warn all occupants of the dangers, it is now up to the occupants to take whatever steps are necessary to salvage our house or prepare for its demise.
Technorati Categories: Current Affairs, Government, News, Politics.
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