I am saddened by the meaningless loss of life. It makes no sense that this should happen to innocent civilians which are not responsible for the politicians' actions. In addition, I'm disturbed by the timing of the event and disappearance of some initial reports.
Below is an objective analysis from Signs of the Times of why actions such as these definitely DO NOT serve the terrorists' objectives, whatever they may be:
We would like to appeal to all our readers to think about these attacks rationally. First of all, ask yourself, what does "al-qaeda" or any other "previously unknown" Islamic group have to gain from carrying out these attacks at this particular time in London. Coming on the very day that the "G8" leaders meet in Scotland, the only tangible results of the attacks have been to vector British and world public attention TOWARDS the "reality" of "Arab terrorism" and AWAY from the crimes of people like Bush and Blair as regards the pillaging of the resources (both human and natural) of third world countries. On the very day that G8 leaders were expected to deliver on the demands of the World public to alleviate "third world" debt, "al-qaeda" steps in and saves them the trouble by bringing "terrorism" center stage.
One of the most troubling aspects of "Arab terror" attacks in Europe and the US is that the victims are almost always ordinary civilians. By now, any Arab terrorist strategist should surely have realised that their issue is not with the civilian population of Western nations but rather with the politicians that make the decisions, many of which run contrary to the will of the people. The massive anti-Iraq war demonstrations around Europe and the US made this point quite clear. In this case, what does "al-qaeda" have to gain from attacking London trains and buses filled with civilian workers when it is patently obvious that civilian deaths at the hands of "terrorists" will do nothing to sway the average Western government from their political and military designs on the Middle East, quite the opposite in fact.
It really is a no brainer that "al-qaeda" terrorism very definitely serves the agenda of Bush and Blair.
Something very strange happened during the early reporting of the events. Several articles released early during the breaking news of the explosions stated that British police had notified the Israeli embassy of the potential terrorist acts began disappearing from web sites. The original release being replaced by denials.
One such report had the title "Israeli Official: Scotland Yard had warning" with the brief content:
JERUSALEM — British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before today's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city, a senior Israeli official said.
The report was replaced with on titled "Israel denies receiving warning before blasts".
Links to sites where the article was replaced:
- Fox News - "Israeli
Official: Scotland Yard Had Warning" - Houston Chronicle - "Britain passed on warning to Israeli Embassy just before blast"
- Canoe - "Israel got warning of terror attack minutes before"
Here is one example where the original AP release exists:
Scotland Yard had warned Israel of possible terror attacks
Jerusalem, July 7 (AP): British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before today's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city, a senior Israeli official said.
The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the nature of his position.
Israel was holding an economic conference near the scene of one of the explosions. Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was supposed to attend, but the attacks occurred before he arrived.
Just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy and said warnings of possible attacks had been received, the official said. He did not say whether British police made any link to the economic conference.
Link to article on Hindu News
Link to article on Rediff.com
Link to article on NY Newsday
I'm troubled by the parallels to the reports of warnings to the Israeli instant messaging service company in the World Trade Center, Odigo, prior to the September 11th attack. Why is it that Israeli interests seem to have been warned PRIOR to the attacks?
Food for thought.
Technorati Categories: Current Affairs, Israel, News, News and Politics, Opinion, Politics, Random Thoughts, War on Terror.
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