Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Latest Poll Results Reflect Disgust with Bush

The latest CNN / USA Today / Gallup poll results are out today and they reflect a growing dissatisfaction with George W. Bush and his administration. It is becoming evidently clearer there exists a very real lack of confidence in the administration's ability to handle the situation in Iraq and, more troubling, a growing sentiment of distrust. Result highlights are as follows:

  • 57% believe going to war in Iraq was a mistake.

  • 60% believe things are going badly in Iraq.

  • 67% believe George W. Bush does not have a clear plan for Iraq.

  • 51% believe the Bush administration deliberately misled the public about Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction.

It's no wonder Bush's ratings are at an all-time low of 36%. The evidence lies in the lack of substance behind the talk. Spin intensity is at an all-time high.

Everyone should be very concerned. It is not out of the realm of possibilities and, as the Bush administration is so fond of saying, all options are on the table for a significant event, either allowed to occur or planned and executed, to force the American public to rally around the president and thus provide the opportunity to increase his approval rating.

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