Thursday, May 18, 2006

Pentagon Video Silence

The request from Judicial Watch for release of additional footage of Flight 77's crash into the Pentagon was finally fulfilled. And, much to my dismay, was met with ... silence.

Does anyone else think it odd the revelation of this long-withheld video segment would be met with no media attention? There is nothing to be found on any of the major news web sites: CNN, Fox News, Washington Post, New York Times, MSNBC, or Wall Street Journal.

One would think the smoking gun would be blatantly obvious since the video has been kept out of public reach for over four years. But, neither a smoking gun nor obvious it is.

What has become obvious is the lack of proof that what hit the Pentagon was a commercial airliner!

There is nothing resembling a large, commercial airplane anywhere in the few frames of significance. Although, a huge clue surfaces when one freezes the frame where the white object begins to come into view....

Whatever the object is, it is coming in very low and fast. So low, in fact, that if it were a Boeing 757, one would expect such a large, unmaneuverable plane to smash into the ground before hitting the Pentagon.

Perhaps this is the video they are looking for????

One of the Signs of the Times editors, Joe Quinn, sums it up ...

At this stage, absent any new future video from the DOD, the U.S. government's "evidence" that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon consists of:

the "nose cone" frame

the white smoke trail or "blob" frame

the explosion at the Pentagon frames.

Convincing stuff, eh? This evidence is all the more suspect given the fact that the FBI confiscated tapes from at least two other video cameras in the area that would surely provide a more complete picture, but they refuse to release them.

The release of the DOD video footage comes at a very interesting time. Some readers may be aware that the pre-eminent Cannes film festival is just starting. Fewer however will be aware that the "Pentagon Strike" Flash animation is being shown at this year's festival. While we are not paranoid per se, we couldn't help but feel it was a little strange that the DOD would release their videos on the very day that our team set off to Cannes to promote the Pentagon strike flash. If we were "paranoid", we might say that the release of these videos is an attempt at pre-emptive damage control over potential exposure at Cannes. Of course, it will also simply help to raise the profile of all things 'Pentagonian', which can only help our team in Cannes.

Too bad anyone questioning the veracity of the Flight77-hitting-the-Pentagon theory, since that is what it is pending conclusive proof, will likely be labeled a conspiracy theorist. Another attempt to sweep under the rug the demands from those with very valid doubt of what is offered as proof, similarly to how those disputing the lone gunman theory of the John F Kennedy assassination were/are treated.

Today's conspiracies will become tomorrow's (hopefully) revelations.

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