Tuesday, August 01, 2006

9/11 in the News

Oliver Stone is about to release his World Trade Center movie on August 9. A story of two Port Authority police officers who rush in to help in the evacuation of the World Trade Towers, become trapped after the collapse, and are ultimately rescued. The movies focuses on the emotions behind the events, primarily centered on the impact to these two individuals' lives, with no attempt to challenge any of several tough questions... whether the collapse was the result of jet fuel melting the support beams or a pre-planned demolition, the reason for the abysmally poor response of several groups assigned to manage and protect airspace, etc.

Via the releases of movies such as Flight 93 and World Trade Center, American's emotions will be served a healthy helping of optimism in the human spirit. All the while, the tough questions continue to go unanswered.

Then, we also have the American Scholars Symposium with Alex Jones and a group of prominent 9/11 skeptics talking about the events and vested players, from their perspective, surrounding 9/11. The event will air tonight at 7:10 PM (EST) on C-SPAN, which amazingly, the fact that such a discussion would gain access to a wider audience via C-SPAN is very interesting since the opinions expressed by the symposium panel would be highly critical of certain groups and agencies at the highest levels of government.

So, what is going on? I see efforts to achieve some sort of emotional closure to events surrounding 9/11, while at the same time increased visibility of 9/11 movements questioning the "conventional wisdom". Both are being allowed to happen in what appears to be a drawing of the line. A separation between those who follow the party line and those who do not.

An interesting blog, "Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd", provides a different take on why this is being allowed to happen:
The first rule of warfare is: KNOW your enemy and the whole 911 crowd is so focused on their theories, blinded by their egos, and unaware of the larger context in which 911 must be placed that they are little more than sheep being led to the slaughter by the Pied Pipers of the "Third Rank Alternative Press" and 911 Truth organizations - people like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Gerard Holmgren, Rosalee Grable, Alex Constantine, and their associates and fans.

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