Thursday, April 13, 2006

Flight 93 and the Making of a Patsy

The case to try and sentence Zacarias Moussaoui for his involvement in the 9/11 attacks has taken a long time to bring to court. Enough time for just about anything to happen. Even the unlikely, but not impossible, following scenarios:

  • Apply interrogation techniques to "convince" Moussaoui of his involvement and role in the attacks.

  • Silence, by pay-off or intimidation, those who witnessed Flight 93 being shot down.

  • Re-create or alter the flight cockpit and data recorder data.

Anything is possible.

The truly sad and unforgivable side to this trial is the pain the families have to continue to endure reliving the day they lost their loved ones. And for what? To send some guy to his death who may or may not have been involved?

From today's Washington Post article:

The trial seemed an afterthought yesterday amid the drama of the recording. Prosecutors rested their case for the execution of Moussaoui, the only person convicted in the United States in connection with the attacks on the trade center and the Pentagon. The defense will now begin its case, and Moussaoui is expected to take the stand again as early as today.

In the trial's first phase, Moussaoui testified that he had planned to hijack a fifth plane and crash it into the White House on Sept. 11 with a crew that included shoe bomber Richard Reid. The jury found Moussaoui eligible for the death penalty and will decide whether he should be executed or spend his life in prison.

When the jury found Moussaoui eligible for the death penalty, it became evidently clear to me that emotions would overtake logic and reason in this trial. Now, after publishing the recordings, and reading the reactions in the courtroom, there is no doubt justice will not be served by dispensing the utlimate form of punishment on this man.

The government is throwing the public a bone! The real perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks have not been caught and will likely not be caught. Killing Moussaoui will appease many people, making them feel like at least one person was held accountable for the actions which forever changed this country. Although temporarily gratifying, the feeling will fade as more people begin to notice the disinformation campaigns.

Moussaoui is not the only patsy, there are 29 other patsies in Spain for the Madrid bombings.

Justice will truly be served when the real perpetrators are found and proven guilty in a court of law. Governments are replacing the real actors with stand-ins and hoping the audience doesn't catch on.

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