Friday, April 14, 2006

Spring Cleaning in Washington

With Spring comes change. New life where only death or deep slumber existed.

Let the change start with the removal of Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State.

An Opinon piece in the Washington Post today reports on the high level of dissatisfaction with Rumsfeld within the ranks and the risk associated with allowing him to stay in his position. Yet, Bush's continued support for Rumsfeld, despite Rumsfeld's poor performance and continued criticism, is raising serious doubts about the president's ability to make sound decisions based on facts. The steadfast support Bush exhibits is not viewed as commitment, it is a realization of his stubbornness. A captain must know when to change course or risk crashing his ship.

Rumsfeld has lost the support of the uniformed military officers who work for him. Make no mistake: The retired generals who are speaking out against Rumsfeld in interviews and op-ed pieces express the views of hundreds of other officers on active duty. When I recently asked an Army officer with extensive Iraq combat experience how many of his colleagues wanted Rumsfeld out, he guessed 75 percent. Based on my own conversations with senior officers over the past three years, I suspect that figure may be low.
Rumsfeld is a stubborn man, and I suspect the parade of retired generals calling for his head has only made him more determined to hold on. But by staying in his job, Rumsfeld is hurting the cause he presumably cares most about. The president, even more stubborn than his Pentagon chief, is said to have rejected his offer to resign.
David Ignatius, Washington Post

The New York Times reports :
"Are the floodgates opening?" asked one retired Army general, who drew a connection between the complaints and the fact that President Bush's second term ends in less than three years. "The tide is changing, and folks are seeing the end of this administration."
David Cloud and Eric Schmitt, New York Times

The public no longer buys the lies used to support the invasion of Iraq. And, to continue to believe the players which got us into this mess, makes fools of us all.

One who cannot see the reality of the situation, one who believes the lie because the truth is too painful or embarassing, lives a life dissociated from reality. The wife who fails to believe her husband is cheating on her, even though coming home late from work she can smell the perfume on his clothes. The proud parents who fail to believe their son or daughter may have a drug problem, even though the grades have slipped, the appearance has changed, and a different personality has replaced the one they loved. The citizen who once thought their country could do no wrong, only to find out they've been continually lied to and manipulated.

Spring is here and the time to clean house has come.

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