Monday, February 28, 2005

Da Vinci Code

Several months ago I read Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code and considered it a very intriguing read. Lots of historical references to some interesting individuals and groups. I thought, "Cool! Let me follow up on some of these to see how much is fact and how much is fiction."

Well, life with a family sometimes has a way of taking you away from the things you would like to do for yourself... needless to say, I never had a chance to research any of it. Then, these come up:
In the BBC, The Da Vinci Code put 'on trial'.

Another article in the BBC, Dan Brown: Decoding the Da Vinci Code author.

And, yet a third article in the BBC, Da Vinci Code is 'lousy history'.

In the Malaysian Star, Clerics, experts to put ‘Da Vinci Code’ on trial.

All this interest in whether the content in the book is factually accurate or not. Interesting how much effort continues to be focused on debunking the statements made in Dan Brown's book. Maybe they're accurate, maybe not. What's really piqued my interest is why all the fuss?

Sure looks to me like some one or groups are a little bit sensitive about the veracity of this information. Could there be kernels of truth which, if revealed as truth, undermine the foundation of certain well-established institutions who benefit from the blind faith of their members?

Then, continuing to search, I come across this gem of an analysis:
The True Identitiy of Fulcanelli, The Four Elements and The Da Vinci Code

Unexpectedly, while looking to validate the authenticity of the material presented in Dan Brown's book, I am led to an analysis on Fulcanelli, alchemy, and the grail quest! Never a dull moment!

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