For a thorough analysis of the Bush administration's actions as compared to the story of the Beast, refer to an article by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, "The Beast and His Empire", which takes the Biblical story of the Beast and disects it on a verse by verse basis.
Here are some astonishing observations wrapping up the first article:
The prophecies of Revelation state that the two beasts will be cast into the lake of fire along with the false prophet. That would suggest that the geographical area of the Beast Empire, and those who are doomed throughout the globe for their lack of spiritual "clothing," may have some problems, to say the least.
Now, you ask, Who -- or What -- is the Beast? Which world empire fits the descriptions of Revelation 13?
Which world empire began on a foreign shore, formed of many races and tongues; (primarily people from the area of the old Roman Empire -- the "Little Horn" of Daniel, which made war with three of the ten divisions of the Roman Empire: England, France and Spain)?
Which nation on the earth rapidly became the richest and most powerful empire on earth, using the name of God as its motto?
Which nation suffered a military attack - Pearl Harbor - which seemed to be devastating, but was, in fact, a political manipulation designed to engender popular support for a war of greed -- a wound which healed so quickly that one can't help but wonder if all preparations were made in advance?
Which nation rose up after such an attack and went on to lead an adoring world in a global war, winning on two fronts simultaneously? A war which involved this empire for a period of exactly 42 months on one of those fronts?
Which empire developed and used "fire falling from the sky in the sight of men" -- atomic weapons -- to awe and intimidate the peoples of the world - and did so via the offices of a group of elite controllers of the world, a second beast that appeared as a lamb and spoke as a dragon?
Which nation used such a blasphemous power on a people already defeated, the Japanese, after having deliberately drawn them into war?
Do we dare to suggest that the United States, has "manipulated" the perception of an attack by Palestinians in order to generate support for a war against them - with the intention of nuclear destruction? Destruction that would simultaneously destroy Israel? After all, in the "dress rehearsal" of WW II, the Japanese were manipulated to attack the U.S. in order to engender support to enter the war - and the REAL objective was Germany - an ally of Japan - the "Axis Powers." And today, we have George Bush talking about the "Axis of Evil." Are we getting a chill up our spine yet?
Which nation, after this war, established, and still maintains, military presence and industrial outposts over all the globe and has made the world its marketplace -- a financial bonanza -- propagating materialism as though it were manna from heaven or the word of God in order to satiate its voracious appetite for money and power?
What nation on the earth is ruled from behind the political stage by the industrial-military complex -- a group so powerful they can politically (or literally) assassinate public and private figures with impunity; a group of wealthy elitists who know no bounds to their greed; a group which foments social unrest, political strife, unstable economies, wars and revolutions; a group which stimulates technology and promulgates materialism, to keep their pockets full and the strings of power in their hands?
What nation on earth has been manipulated by the electronic media -- under the control of the motivation masters hired by the industrial-military complex (the false prophets of materialism and technology) -- so that they have lost sight of the spirit and meaning of those ideals which gave birth to their empire?
Continuing to the second part of the article, "The Beast and His Empire", we find the following related to Biblical prophesies:
Years ago it occurred to me that it was most peculiar that the United States was not taught as being included or mentioned in the great Biblical prophecies. Since it was apparent to me that it has become the most powerful and influential nation on the face of the planet, I thought this rather strange. This was due, as it was explained to me, to the fact that the prophecies concerned, mainly, the Jews and, having been delivered through Jews, primarily concerned those events which affected the Israeli people. Yet, we are talking about prophecies which are global in import.
John, having brought the United States into his prophecy in Revelation 13, continues with his theme, describing the destructions of war and cosmic upheaval in chapters 14, 15, and 16. He then moves in for a close-up of an interaction which is very important for it further amplifies the roles of various participants in the end-time events. Chapters 17 and 18 deal with the identification and descriptions of destruction of an entity known as the "Great Harlot".
Many have interpreted this woman to represent the Catholic Church, all denominational churches, occultists, and so forth. However, careful analysis of this and related portions of scripture will show that this is neither appropriate nor in keeping with the global sense of the prophecy. (And, in a previous chapter, we described the apostate condition of the Christian Churches.)
Scripturally, "Woman" means either the spiritual half of the human totality -- the union of male and female -- or, in an expanded view, "woman" symbolizes the socio-cultural-political manifestations of a group, a city, a nation.
The gold, the jewels and the pearls adorning the Harlot tell us that all the mental and spiritual achievements of the earth are centered upon materialism -- this includes science, education, arts, culture, music and all other aspects of human potential -- including religion.
Many books have been written which expose the fact that governments do not wage war for moral or even ideological reasons -- wars are simply acts of greedy materialism -- but this is not commonly known among the masses for most of them do not read.
Materialism is the mother of war, famine, disease, ignorance, drug addiction, murder, robbery, rape, and a host of assorted other evils of our day.
The fate of the Harlot, the Beast, the False Prophet, all aspects of the same national entity, are cataclysmic as described by John.
Go read the articles and decide for yourself if such is the case...
Books by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
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